Friday 8 May 2009

One year older

Now that's what I call a cake...

My dear son was fifteen years old on Wednesday. Celebrated with a small family party and the ceremonial unwrapping of this year's paddling pool. Far too cold to even get the pool out of the box, but it is a long tradition that number one son's birthday presents include a new pool.

And the pressure to produce a cake, I can't tell you. Non-verbal son had indicated to his teacher last year that the best bit about his birthday had been the cake and she'd phoned me in excitement at this breakthrough in communication. Added to which Grandma had spent the weekend reminding him how marvellous it had been. Thanks for that.

Having been on a gluten and dairy free diet for the past seven years popping down to M&S just isn't an option. Antoinette Savill's Passion Cake was whisked up late Tuesday. What a trip down memory lane! Remember when carrot cake just melted in the mouth? Well there you have it - make the cake yourself, and no hint of that slightly claggy aftertaste with the usual gluten-free stuff. Have to say though, I think I've peaked.

Quote of the day: my five year old bursting over with laughter, "Look everyone! Grandma's wearing Clark's"