Monday, 30 November 2009

Hounslow PCT - financial crisis continues

Figures released this month show Hounslow Primary Care Trust (PCT) predicted to overspend its budget by 4% or over £7million this year, making it the second-highest overspending PCT in the country.

Read this alongside a second report where the PCT tops another league table by doubling the cost of penpushers through buying some highly specialised financial advice, and you really do despair.

I wonder if they'll use the West Middlesex excuse of patients not turning up for appointments.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Very sad news

Cathy is no longer with us. Just 22 years old, swine flu with a history of poor health.

We are all devastated.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Together for Disabled Children

The banner (above) on the home page of the consortium charged with monitoring how local authorities and primary care trusts deliver Aiming High for Disabled Children, a £680million programme charged with transforming services for disabled children and their families, depicts three apparently active children and an adult in a wheelchair.

Serco and Contact a Family what were you thinking?

Imagine a space...

... where you can do anything.

Inspiration for our Aiming High project from 4D Creative

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

A question for the reader

I have been in touch with a parent this week (that's what we do!) who puts forward these events:

She has a four year old in a nursery class. This child is currently receiving Speech & Language Therapy input and awaiting further paediatric assessment. The child has developmental delay and there is a general consensus that the difficulties are long term.

The child needs support and the school are providing one hour per day and at the end of this time the child goes home. The other children in the class remain.

My question is, is this equal opportunities as you know it?

Monday, 2 November 2009