Thursday, 9 July 2009

Post-Bercow, Speech Language and Communication Needs

News just out of Hounslow's success as a pathfinder:


How do commissioned services best meet the needs of all children with SLCN? Looking at phases 1 and 3 commissioning to develop good practice parent and child engagement in commissioning services.

And the organisation that will be supplying the families? Our very own Parents in Touch, of course.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Swine Flu?

Zack, my autistic son, has been home from school for a week, which means a halt to work at PiT, more or less. I was on a training course with Participation Works last Thursday when a series of texts flew backwards and forwards. Thankfully my mum came to the rescue.

Zack and flu* (now where's the rolly-eyes smiley?) - very feverish and insisting on going out into the garden to sit on the swing seat at 3.30am on Friday. The joke wore a little thin when he woke me at 4am, 5am and 6am to rearrange his blanket.

Friday was a bakathon for the school fair, Saturday was spent selling cakes (we took £200+), Sunday was a family day with my nephew and his girlfried, Monday was Hannah's 10th birthday so a birthday tea. In the meantime Zack still not well and needing support of the 10-minute attention-span kind. Exhausted by Tuesday, so flaked out on the sofa in 30 degree heat for most of the day.

Both Zack and I recovered today (Wednesday), so he's back at school tomorrow, and I got through a stack of things for PiT. And in a work avoidance tactic I looked through the photo albums at Activenture to find the above gem of a photo. Spot the autistic person with the humongous personal space. Made me laugh, anyway.

* not confirmed that it's swine flu, but definitely viral, and it went through the school (who have adopted a Blitz spirit) pretty swiftly.